Our Principles


Respect is the baseline for healthy civil discourse.

If we can act and communicate in good faith, even with those we disagree with, then societal growth and healing will be inevitable.

The essence of productive discourse is the Principle of Rational Accommodation. This fundamental philosophical principle requires that a person must take another person to mean what they agree they mean by a statement.


Honesty is the baseline for accountability.

It may not always be easy to openly discuss or debate facts, but when it comes to matters of governance, there are few things as important as transparency and openness.

Just as Good Faith is fundamental to a progressive and prosperous society, it is also essential to a sound world view. Arguments that extend from concealed error are as destructive as policy based upon deliberate deception. In order to advance the need for repair of our communities from incompetent and malevolent government and political actors, we require that any and all statement made be in good faith, and with thorough justification. Furthermore, any such statement must be permissible – with the exception of incitement to violence.


Logic is the baseline for reason.

Too often we confuse what is compelling for what is true, and we neglect to step back and analyse the validity of the reasoning behind decisions. Striving for sound logic and a quantitative approach can help quell the pitfalls of appeals to emotion and anecdotes.

Logic is the foundation of all knowledge, and through its rigorous consistent patterns, we are able to examine the truth of premises (statements), then from statements we determine to be true, we can assemble arguments that are valid and in the process of debate examined for their soundness. From the foundation of these arguments we pursue debates that allow for the addition of new premises and new conclusions and from this we serve as a mechanism for public discourse on policy (a process called non-monotonicity).


Reason is the baseline for understanding.

Clear, truthful, and well weighed decision making is pivotal for everyone to appreciate the process behind decision making, even if they may not agree


Reason (in the political sense) is the convergence of these principles: Logic, Honesty, and Respect.